The danger of interaction.
A little of you rubs off on me.
A little of me can be seen in you.
Identity loss? Or, identity amalgamation?
A little of me can be seen in you.
Identity loss? Or, identity amalgamation?
The danger of appreciation.
Liking leads to evaluating,
Which leads to understanding,
Which can lead to adaptation, then incorporation.
Identity loss? Or, identity amalgamation?
Which leads to understanding,
Which can lead to adaptation, then incorporation.
Identity loss? Or, identity amalgamation?
The danger of influence.
Teacher. Role model. Leader. Hero.
Whose voice is the one in your head?
Identity loss? Or, identity amalgamation?
Whose voice is the one in your head?
Identity loss? Or, identity amalgamation?
The danger of imitation.
To be derivative.
To be a second rate knockoff.
To cross the line and become a thief.
Identity lost. Identity theft.
Game over.
To be a second rate knockoff.
To cross the line and become a thief.
Identity lost. Identity theft.
Game over.

Companion Today's Tendril...
What should originality always include? You. What should it always exclude? "Them." |
Copyright 2015 Christopher V. DeRobertis. All rights reserved.
These text compositions are works of fiction. Names, places, institutions, events, incidents, characters, persons, locations, contexts, scenes, scenarios, symbols, glyphs, iconography, and/or organizations either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Full Creative Writing Disclaimer.