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Copyright 2017 Christopher V. DeRobertis. All rights reserved.
The only "secrets" worth keeping—worth trying to keep—are the ones we carry in our hearts, On our shoulders, Around our necks, And on our backs. Everything else? Well, they're merely pieces in a spiritual chess board, with Good on one side, Evil on the other side, and you in the middle—holding the clock. |
Data grows like weeds, spreads like wildlife, and disappears like socks, keys, and gloves. |
Paranoia that is underscored by factual plausibility, rather than fantastical fiction, is both a life preserver and a flashlight. |
The trouble with being a visionary is that someone (somewhere) is always looking to: Poke you in the eye, Stab you in the back, Cut you off at the knees. |
An angel without a halo is like a ship without a port — eventually both will become adrift and then get swallowed by a dark and unforgiving sea. |
In the restless isolation of a sleepless night, pondering destiny is like catching a glimpse of a ghost when you're staring absently into the void... It's a fleeting thing, at best, and, at worst, an itchy, scratchy question mark slipping-and-sliding across the surface of the mind. |
Sometimes limitations are opportunities. Sometimes they're anchors. And sometimes, well sometimes, they're just demons of distraction; of doubt; of disappointment. |
The chronic, relentless, and bitter cynic neither draws from, nor directs others to, the Well of Thoughts and Dreams, but instead, tries to taint it. |
The trouble with a system of "checks and balances" is that too often there's a balance of zero. |
So much "truth." So little time to vet and accept. |
Street corner prophet, lonely are your words of passion and exclamation, for the passers-by take no heed, and pay no mind, to the “crazy man” with a spray-painted sign, which yells, “THE END IS NIGH!” |