A handful of rain is better than a bottle full of lightning. |
Copyright 2016 Christopher V. DeRobertis. All rights reserved.
A handful of rain is better than a bottle full of lightning. |
What does a soul-punch feel like? A lie. |
Sometimes you have to drink from the fire hose. Sometimes you long for an oasis. And sometimes, just sometimes, you get to sip from the golden chalice. |
The most interesting path to follow, is the one that winds through the mind. |
The line between "a broken will" and "a stake in the ground" is drawn with choice. |
First love is a soul-stain that never comes out. |
Patterns that fluctuate between a heavenly pause and a hell-bent deviate are the marks of either a tormented mind or an enlightened one. |
Success is a tuple of: independent spirit, business acumen, conversational savvy, and resiliency. |
Justice might be blind, but it can still bare its teeth. |
Old habits might die hard, but new habits take a while to grow up. And even longer to mature. |
The weight of forgiveness is a curious thing. It can be as heavy as an anchor when being sought, then become as light as a feather once it is received. |
The trouble with a deity that only you can hear is that the "holy message" communicated to the rest of the world comes across as a one-sided conversation. |
When science reinvents itself, it's called progress. When faith reinvents itself, it's called aberrance. Life is not static. And a faith locked in dogma and legalism is no more alive than a stone. |
Hive mentality — good for structure, continuity, and safety. Bad for creativity, individuality, and evolution. |
Hate is a pilot fish. Doom is a shark. |
Focus doesn't set the course — will sets the course. Focus doesn't stay the course — dedication stays the course. Focus doesn't set the pace — ambition sets the pace. Focus is a noise canceller, A sharpener, A filter. |
Obsession with connection, this "always on" expectation. Daily bread is no more. Follow a thread; reach a score. Daily stats feed the machine. The addiction? Digital amphetamine. |
The only "tough play" in life is sitting on the bench and dreaming about an opportunity. |
Living life with integrity, courage, and passion is to walk a fine line on a narrow path, while angels and demons bicker on your shoulders. |
Belief is always easy when skies are blue, the sun is high, and the breeze is cool and refreshing. Belief is not so easy when skies are grey, the sun is hidden, and the howling wind is whipping dust and debris against your raw, unprotected face. |
The path to "the truth" is easy to walk when it's offered as an unbroken sequence of well-defined steppingstones. |
Excessiveness isn't a journey. It's not a destination. It's a waste of time. |
The hedonist that is unsatisfied at the end of the day deserves no sympathy. |
The trouble with "line of sight" Thinking, Living, And believing, Is that you're oblivious to the dangers sneaking up behind you, And you don't even have an inkling that there's a neon-red bullseye on your back. |
Better to be half there, than all gone. |
Fortitude is one thing. Maybe even an honorable thing. To claim that capitulation is never an option means you're either a liar or a fool. Or a remarkable blend of both. |
People often change their minds, but rarely change their ways. |
Redemption doesn't seek the path of least resistance, but its seekers do. |
Hypocrisy is a two-faced head that speaks out of both sides of all its mouths. |
Balance favors the clear-headed, The data-driven, The mindful. |
We might try to rule with Maslow's Hammer, but we're still subject to Murphy's Law. All of us. |
The only things that change direction as often as the wind are social sentiment and politicians. |
If darkness is a harbor, then don't drop anchor there. |
Reinvent the wheel all you want. Think outside the box all you want. Build a better mousetrap until you're blue in the face. Construct the most marvelous Rube Goldberg machine the world has ever seen. But until you truly care, are truly passionate about creating something, and are willing to put your heart and soul on display, then you might as well be trying to lasso a tornado, using week old spaghetti, while blindfolded, and wearing clown shoes. |
At the worst of times pain is a cell, A hole, A puppeteer. At the best of times pain is an opportunity, A divining rod to strength, A focusing lens, A channel to clarity. |
Visionary needn't mean the absence of reactionary. In fact, the former may emerge out of necessity from the latter. |
Headlights, flashlights, and searchlights are irrelevant when the threat is invisible. |
Red herrings are sometimes masked in shades of grey. |
If you don't see God when you look through a microscope, or when you look through a telescope, then you might not be seeing things with an open mind. |
True vision requires both i's (to be wide open). |
Magic lives and dies in the hearts and minds of dreamers, thinkers, and doers. |
Within conflict is "i" — how appropriate. |
If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it's probably a duck. Still... "trust" but verify. |
If not for the minutiae—the atomic parts—then the "big picture" would not exist. |
A view from elsewhere and elsewhen... You know a relationship has run its course when you go from being the anchor of someone's life, to being the anger of someone's life. |
You can daydream about slaying the dragon or you can agonize about being eaten by the dragon. Perspective is a curious thing. |
Wishes are fireflies of hope. |
"Clarituity" — One part clarity. One part acuity. Entirely silly. Totally unnecessary. |