Creative Writing Disclaimer
The flash fiction (of any style/kind), micro fiction (of any style/kind), short stories (of any style/kind), vignettes (of any kind), poems (of any style/kind), prose (of any style/kind), verse (of any style/kind), visual poetry or concrete poetry, ASCII art, and other types/styles/genres of creative writings and/or visual works of art, including, but not limited to, text-oriented or text-based works (including, but not limited to, works including images, graphics arts, photographs, sketches, etc.), are works of fiction and products of the author's imagination. Names, places, institutions, events, incidents, characters, persons, personas, locations, contexts, scenes, scenarios, symbols, glyphs, iconography, scientific-like elements, medical-like conditions/terms, psychological-like conditions/terms, institutions, and/or organizations either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. No similarity or resemblance among and/or between any of the names, places, institutions, events, incidents, characters, persons, personas, locations, contexts, symbols, glyphs, abstractions, imaginary/fake words, backronyms, institutions, organizations, pareidolia, visual literacy, visual interpretation, imagery, and/or random abstractionism in the creative writings/works of fiction/visual works/image works with those of any person living or dead, or institution, or location, or organization, or icon/symbol, without satiric intent or historical reference, is intended, and any such similarity or resemblance which may exist is purely coincidental.
Updated: 2022-09-29
© Copyright 2024 Christopher V. DeRobertis. All rights reserved.