Table of Contents
- Are you a full-time artist?
- Why do you create?
- Is a blog or a web site?
- Why can't I leave comments?
- What are Tendrils™?
- What are you drawn to?
- Are there recurring themes in your artwork?
- Are there recurring titles, or serialized content, at the site?
- What is Sonic Verse™?
- Isn't some of your artwork "dark"?
- Is there a mobile version of the site?
- Do the mobile and desktop versions look the same? Have the same content?
- Is there a short URL for the site?
- What happened to Tags and Tendrils ( and @tagsandtendrils?
- What's your favorite...?
No. I'm a text and visual art hobbyist/enthusiast. I have a full-time time job, which I approach with the utmost of professionalism and integrity (and diligence), but has nothing to do with my artwork or
My artwork,, and my artwork at are not affiliated in any way with my employer.
Opinions and views expressed by me are mine and do not represent or reflect my employer.
My artwork and efforts related to my artwork (e.g. are done on my own time (free time) and using my personal resources.
I create for my own spiritual, intellectual, and emotional needs. Art is a part of who I am as an individual.
Art is what I do for fun, for recreation, for relief, for freedom of expression, to relax, to de-stress, to explore my faith, to realize and fulfill what I believe to be an intrinsic gift from God, to make sense of the world, to ask questions, to seek answers, and to process life, reality, dreams, and ideas in my own way; at my own pace; for my own peace of mind.
Is a blog or a web site?
Technically, is formatted and delivered as a blog, though I prefer to call it a blog site.
A blog site: the content is web site-like, but organized in the style of a blog, driven by a blog engine, and indexed/categorized by the blog engine's (1) tags (a.k.a. keywords or labels), and (2) blog entry archiving.
With a blog engine I don't worry about infrastructure specifics (e.g. file and directory structures), manually cross-referencing content (just tag it and go), indexing pages (entry archiving does that automatically), or formatting new entries (the template takes care of that). Plus, I get a reasonable number of static pages, which I've used for contact information, FAQs, terms of use, etc.
This means that my focus and my time are spent on my artwork, and not on site content management.
If this is a blog, why can't I add comments to a post?
My apologies to those that would like to post honest, constructive critiques (positive, negative, and otherwise), but I want to spend what little free time I have creating, not monitoring comments (for spam or replies that are, or might be construed as, offensive/objectionable).
You can always send me an email with comments - refer to the Contact page.
Refer to the Tendrils™ FAQ.
The "little things in life."
The details, detritus, and miscellaneous debris of everyday living.
Short works: proverbs, sayings, short stories, flash fiction, one-liners, comics, comic strips, comic books, sequential art, vignettes, musings, short prose/poems/verse, lists, etc.
Symbols, icons, and glyphs.
Metaphors, allusions, and personification.
Tornadoes, storms, rain, weather; twilight, moonlight, starlight, midnight.
Heaven and Hell; the battle of good versus evil.
Threes. Pareidolia. Transmogrification.
Clouds, leaves, and the world outside my window.
Shadows, textures, and curiosities.
The ironies, conflicts, humor, and revelations of daily doings.
Are there recurring themes in your artwork?
There's an assortment of motifs and recurrences in my artwork.
Refer to the tags (labels) and items noted in What are you drawn to?
Additionally, there are mindstorms, thoughtmares, "the ever present now," The Notebook Brothers™, and remixes.
Then there are the always present ghosts, demons, angels, leaves, mirrors, and inner dialogue.
Are there recurring titles, or serialized content, at site?
Yes.I have a number of recurring titles, which also relate to an assortment of motifs and recurrences.
In the early to mid 1990s I wrote and edited an Internet-distributed music newsletter, called Sonic Verse (SV), which also included original creative writings.
Fast forward to December 2013 - the time was right to resurrect SV and its spirit: to highlight the music, artists, and associated elements that I enjoy (e.g. album cover artwork).
SV entries will crop-up at from time-to-time, along with a few twists and tendrils related to the concept of "sonic verse."
Isn't some of your artwork "dark"?
Yes, but no.My dark is heady, or pensive, or explorations of shades of infinite gray, but not evil.
I love life, but life's big, burning questions won't be answered with kittens and puppies and rainbows and lollipops.
I love to laugh, but I'm not a humorist, nor a comedian.
My artistic slant tends toward the serious, the surreal, and the introspective.
Or, as I like to put it, through the light, darkly.
P.S. Occasionally, I release pieces that are brief detours into the silly and the playful. Just saying. ;^)
Is there a mobile version of the site?'s mobile experience is achieved using a responsive template made available with the Blogger template that's used with ISP. (The responsive template is also referred to as "dynamic views," in Blogger terms.)
Do the mobile and desktop versions look the same? Have the same content?
No and yes, respectively.The look of the mobile version is a streamlined, minimalist layout that's optimized for small screen devices (like smart phones and small tablets).
The look of the desktop version is "richer" with more bells and whistles that take advantage of large screen devices (like desktops and large tablets).
In terms of creative content, both versions display the same artwork.
The screen shot provided next is an example of the layouts in the mobile version and the desktop version of the site.

Is there a short URL for the site?
What happened to Tags and Tendrils ( and @tagsandtendrils? and @tagsandtendrils have been retired.
Tags and Tendrils™ (.com) was the home for my artwork between 2009 and October 2012 and its related Twitter account, @tagsandtendrils, was used for announcements, musings, and creative text (exclusive to that account).
The artwork that appeared at is contained at (During the migration a number of About sections were pruned and edited, and some tags eliminated.)
The @tagsandtendrils content prior to 2012.11.22 has been removed and some of its content will make its way into (and other channels).
The one that I'm holding.
The one beneath my pen.
The one in my head.
The one that I'm reading.
Tendrils, Tags and Tendrils,, The Notebook Brothers, and Sonic Verse are ™ trademarks of Christopher V. DeRobertis.